Monday, March 18, 2024


Time is our home and death is our friend

-- Iain McGilchrist,

Knock when you come to the west door; be sure
to touch the river pebble in your pocket 
for luck; forget your excuses. 
Just answer the questions best you can.
No one is trying to trick you here.

Today the long road, east and west, was tilted
to be level with the sun. I guess you were busy
with your pry-bar, Archimede! 
That at least was an easy one to solve.
Lay it down on me: pull as hard as you like.

That metal crossbeam catches the morning sun: 
even second-hand, these tines of light 
pull gently every strand of me apart:
the brisket of me would fall from the ribs 
at a nudge. I have been a long time in the pot.
They say a friend might happen by for a meal,
and welcome. I have kept house untidily:
but friends will forgive the debris of a lived-in life.


Nimble said...

"I have been a long time in the pot" hits very well

gz said...

Hmm. How did you know what I have in my pockets ?

On a blog wander from Catalyst via Gwynt (Tom) to you....

I like writing that makes me quietly think.