Wednesday, March 20, 2024

In Praise of a Huntress Moon

And the sky en vidrios corúscat, multisplending;
O sake us for God, and mend us for bendas, bensittay!
Say clearly what you mean, before you end your say.

Look where the vultures ride the thermals, where you can
or can't see
the waves of air they ride on, hypérvolant and vigilant:
if we love to watch them, it's because we love to watch

the things we can't quite see. Mr God is like that: you find
the lint from his pockets, but his hands are always elsewhere.
I would not spend a lot of time 
turning inside out the cloth, or checking all the seams.

Bang! this damn tambourine, and sing a song of praise,
song of ending, song of nightfall, the iridéssing of default,
when the sky is violet lavender and fades, surprised
by such a clair à voyant, clair à voyaging moon.


I'mnotapoet said...


Dale said...

thank you!